External Attack Surface Management

External Attack Surface Management – secure your business from the outside in.

Do you know how a hacker views you? How attractive a target you are? How your threat level combines with the vulnerabilities you have?

Orpheus’ external attack surface management tool, with digital risk protection features, shows you what an attacker can see about your organisation.

We continuously monitor your attack surface allowing you to predict how an attack could happen. You can prioritise your remediation efforts, using your resources to maximum effect.

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External Attack Surface Management

Continually monitor a range of exploitable issues on your attack surface including:

Database instances


Poor email security

Remote desktop access

Expired certificates

We combine external attack surface management with threat intelligence for more effective prioritisation

Backed with threat intelligence, you can see who wants to attack you and how they go about it. Focus on the vulnerabilities attackers are exploiting, helping you to reduce spend while improving security

View our threat intelligence reports to understand the wider threat landscape and how it affects you

Focus on the vulnerabilities attackers are exploiting, helping you to reduce spend while improving security

External Attack Surface Management
External Attack Surface Management

Digital risk protection

Because we back everything up with threat intelligence, we can expose far more issues than many other companies.

We use our threat analyst collection team to show you intelligence that attackers might have access to, that you want to know about, including:

•Breached credentials
•Dark web mentions
•Typo squatting

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