Cybersecurity Threat Landscape and Resilience in Europe: a toolkit for organisations operating in the EU and the UK




Key Takeaways:

  • The dynamic cyber threat landscape in Europe involves evolving tactics by threat actors, emphasising high defence evasion capabilities and extortion techniques. Common cybersecurity threats faced by both the EU and the UK include ransomware, DDoS attacks, phishing campaigns, and the influence of nation-states and hacktivist groups.
  • Both entities have established distinct but similar national cybersecurity strategies, regulatory frameworks, and prioritised cybersecurity resilience. Data protection laws, notably GDPR, play a crucial role for organisations in the EU and the UK. The NIS Directive mandates cybersecurity measures for essential service operators, with both the EU and the UK updating their directives. Additional legislation, such as the EU’s Cyber Resilience Act and the UK’s Cybersecurity Regulations and Director Duties Framework, enhances cybersecurity resilience. Both regions offer toolkits to aid organisations in meeting regulatory requirements and securing against common cyber threats.

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